Child Trafficking for Commercial Sexual Exploitation: Prevention and Protection Perspectives

Child trafficking for commercial sexual exploitation is a complex phenomenon, requiring multifaceted programs and policies by various stakeholders. Responses focus on three overarching strategies: prevention, prosecution and protection. Prevention activities aim to stop children from being trafficked by implementing strategies designed to combat the demand for sex with children, or to tackle supply factors such as warning potential victims about the perils of human trafficking. Prosecution actions are linked with law enforcement and concentrate on identifying, arresting and criminally prosecuting perpetrators of human trafficking. Protection focuses on the provision of services and interventions for children who have been trafficked and include activities designed to identify victims, ensure their safety, and provide them with appropriate services to ensure their successful recovery and (re)integration into society. This presentation will provide a general overview of child trafficking for commercial sexual exploitation. It will highlight the human rights-based perspective as an effective theoretical framework to guide the provision of strategies to prevent this crime and to provide aftercare services for children following their identification as victims.

PRODUCER: Yvonne Rafferty

Yvonne Rafferty, Ph.D. is a Professor of Psychology, Pace University, New York. She teaches courses in both the Psychology Department and Women's and Gender Studies. At the United Nations, she represents the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issus (SPSSI), where she is particularly active with the Working Group on Girls, the NGO Committee on Child Rights; the Psychology Coalition, and the NGO Committee to Stop Trafficking in Persons.

In addition to her extensive teaching experience at Pace University, Yvonne was also employed at the Academy for Educational Development where she was involved with the evaluation of the New York City AIDS education and condom availability program.  She also worked at Advocates for Children of New York as the Director of Research and Policy – focusing mostly on the educational rights of children who were homeless in New York.  She has testified before the United States Congress, the United States Federal and District Courts, the New York State Assembly, the New York State Education Department, and the New York City Council.

Throughout her career, Yvonne has conducted research on a range of topics including, Child Trafficking, Commercial Sexual Exploitation, Early Childhood Education for Children in Poverty, Homelessness, AIDS and Adolescents, and Children with Disabilities. She has recently returned from an eight-month visit to South and South East Asia where she conducted interviews with representatives from various non-governmental organizations, United Nations agencies, and aftercare recovery programs.
