Every word you think and speak projects, sets up, and establishes the world you experience as your life. Let this be both very scary and very exciting. When you speak unconsciously you get unconscious results in your life-very scary; when you speak consciously you get conscious results in your life-very exciting. This applies to your relationships with yourself, partner, children, parents, community, and even your government. This evening we will become aware of the effects of our unconscious language, learn specific domains and upgrades of language (with handouts), and explore new ways to affect our world through the words we think and speak. What if we all spoke in open, honest, direct, heartfelt, life-affirming, outcome producing language?
PRODUCER: Bernard Corrigan
Bernard Corrigan has a private practice as a humanistic / transpersonal psychotherapist, consults with individuals, couples and families to communicate successfully, and is a Certified Language of Mastery® trainer. Bernard continues to be fascinated by the potential of who we are becoming as individuals and as a new species in this time of accelerated evolutionary change.