I will speak about the growth of the U.S. intelligence and communications mechanism since the 1930s until the present, especially its exponential growth in the last decade. True-life adventures will be interspersed in the presentation to add both humor and skepticism to the description of the tales of daring-do thus described.
PRESENTER: Ross Rammelmeyer
Mr. Rammelmeyer comes to us with a background as a graduate cartographer with post-graduate work in geology, law, and intelligence. He was a Naval Aviator with flying experience primarily in Asia and the Middle East. His principal career has been in intelligence work with both the National Security agency and The Central Intelligence Agency, primarily working as a cryptologist. He was briefly involved with federal and state law enforcement agencies in the early stages of the thus far highly unsuccessful 'war on drugs'. He was a pioneer in the development of 'all source intelligence analysis,' and stood as close to the sources of the information as possible in two of our four must recent, unsuccessful wars. He is, respectively, the father of Susan Moyer and the father-in-law of Douglas Moyer, who are husband and wife.