The Awakening Of Psyche’s Daughter: Return From Exile Towards Individuation

The conclusion of the tale of Amour & Psyche is eloquent; with unfailing instinct, Apuleius tells us that a daughter will be born of their love.  Her name, Voluptas, is the story’s true seal, and also the last word.  The term is dense with meaning: the Latin translation of the Greek noun-- it indicates: pleasure, joy.   Its value is a dual one; it can indicate spiritual joy, the soul’s ecstasy in the presence of the divine, or the satisfaction of the sense.

For Jungians, this teaching myth is encoded with the process toward mature femininity…. The tale ends with the birth of a daughter.   But this end is yet another beginning…an unspoken tale within each of us that will be revealed.  LN’s talk will begin where the myth of Cupid & Psyche concluded, with Psyche’s Daughter

PRODUCER: Lorraine Neithardt

Lorraine Neithardt is an internationally recognized Jungian inspired cultural visionary who has had the remarkable experience and privilege of working with thousands of individuals in the conscious soul-making process known as ALCHEMY.  Llorraine initiates the possibility for each person she counsels to know, accept, and work with the creative aspects of their destiny.

Through the years and  the countless sessions Neithardt has conducted, she has been exposed to the psyches and dreams of innumerable individuals.  The outcome is her observation of an emerging pattern: people’s unconscious urge to discover their own wholeness.  Llorraine’s belief is that this pattern is just now beginning to take form in a collective renaissance through which mysticism and science will unite; the feminine will be re-imaged. 

Over three decades, Neithardt has studied esoteric sciences, Alchemy and Jungian individuation process, leading her to a conscious relationship with Psyche.  Born clairvoyant and a prophetic dreamer, she has discerned that her own creative contribution is to inspire.