Perpetual Famine in the 21st Century

The failed predictions of widespread famine famously made by Thomas Malthus for the 19th century and Paul Ehrlich for the 20th century have cast a long shadow over, if not completely discredited, similar perspectives. This is both understandable and unfortunate. Understandable because repeated failure usually suggests a mistake in theorem and because depictions of apocalypse have become so commonplace—indeed, such a regular feature of a world-weary chic—that a little optimism seems refreshingly sincere. It is unfortunate because we are dismissing a horrible truth: overpopulation and famine are not distant mirages; they are present day realities.

For the past half-century, humanity has experienced a quiet, nearly invisible, yet unremitting famine, if we mean by famine large-scale hunger and starvation. At any given moment, 800 million to a billion people are severely malnourished calorically; at least three million children die of hunger each year; and an unimaginable two to three billion people suffer blindness, anemia, and physical and mental stunting from deficiencies of the micronutrients zinc, iodine, iron, and vitamin A. Unlike famines of the past, the current famine has not been concentrated in any one country, but rather has proceeded as a chronic event spread across the globe, thereby losing the kind of solidity that our minds need in order to recognize and name and it. To rescue it from vague abstraction, I name it a perpetual famine.

Relativity and scale go far in explaining its obscurity. In the well-documented 1943 Bengal famine, the three million people who starved to death represented a significant portion of the province’s 22 million people. Three million children scattered among 7.3 billion people is far less noticeable, even if it happens every year.  And the 800 million merely hungry people make up a relatively small fraction (a little more than one in ten) of the entire human population. It is often proclaimed as a source for optimism that this fraction has been steadily dropping while crop yields, lifespans, and wealth have all been simultaneously rising. Less often mentioned is that the actual number of those hungry has remained unchanged. For decades, the number of hungry has stood at somewhere between eight hundred million and a billion people. Eight hundred million people suffering the daily pangs of hunger adds up to unprecedented, nearly unimaginable suffering. In the time of Malthus, there were barely this many people alive in the world—hungry, sated, and otherwise. So, to be clear, the lives of billions have improved, and the lives of other billions involve great material and existential suffering.

Hunger and famine persist despite the fact that we have already turned much of the Earth into a vast feed trough for our species. Of the planet’s land surface that is not ice, mountain, or desert, we have appropriated over half for our crops, livestock, and infrastructure. We farm the most fertile lands. The rest of what is possibly arable lies mostly under rainforests, cold boreal forests, and the Brazilian Cerrado, none of which harbor soils fertile enough for sustained agriculture.

And, spectacularly successful as the Green Revolution’s hybrid seeds were in averting Ehrlich’s predicted famines, they may well have actually set up humanity for greater horrors. The higher crop yields fed—however inadequately—a human population that has swelled from two and half billion people in 1950 to almost three times that number today. The United Nations’ latest “medium” projections now forecast a population of some 9.6 billion by 2050 and nearly 11 billion by 2100. If the Earth is already straining under our load, how can it continue to sustain the lifestyles of the world’s billion-and-a-half “haves,” improve the lot of the billions who are now impoverished, and support the billions who will be added to our numbers this century?

It is regularly noted that hunger persists despite there being plenty of food in the world. The problem, according to this view, has been civilization’s incompetence at distributing the food. However true, this is hardly a source for optimism. If we have not been able to feed all our human family at 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 billion when there was plenty of arable land and abundant resources, our prospects are far less promising at 8, 9, 10, and 11 billion with less arable and less fertile land, with less water for irrigation, with more expensive energy, and with less accommodating climates.

To address two other common misconceptions: first, the economic success of prosperous, densely populated states such as Monaco, Singapore, Japan, and the Netherlands is often cited as evidence for the viability of large global populations. What is missed from this view is the obvious fact that the lands within the borders of these states do not support their populations. Instead, they use their wealth to buy and otherwise appropriate the food, timber, fossil fuels, and minerals from other places, often poor countries, many of them African and many of which cannot feed their own people. These poor countries are being further impoverished by the economic transactions made between self-serving oligarchs in the poor, exporting countries and the financiers and businesspeople in the wealthy, importing countries.

Contrary to a second misconception, there are no under-populated countries in the world, outside of perhaps New Zealand and Canada. As evidence, note the unremitting, ubiquitous environmental degradation and the sobering fact that, of the 196 countries in the world, only some half-dozen countries are actually significant net food exporters. Furthermore, countries such as Russia, Japan, and Germany that are experiencing exceptionally low fertility rates and decreasing populations are still highly overpopulated and will be for many decades to come. The concerns of nationalists within those countries revolve around the economic and political discomfort of aging populations, not about human sustainability and the ecological damage their large, wealthy populations inflict on the planet.

Malthus’s realizations about the reproductive powers of our species were instrumental in Charles Darwin’s own formulations regarding all living creatures. Ehrlich is an esteemed professor at Stanford University who has made considerable contributions in the fields of biology and ecology. The mistakes of these two luminaries were less of perspective and more of audacity. It takes great audacity—call it hubris, if you wish—to funnel reality’s baffling chaos and complexity into some narrow, substantial, and meaningful prediction about the future. However, by dismissing their contributions and disparaging their perspectives, we are likely making an even more egregious mistake. To wisely meet the challenges of the future, we must proceed with eyes wide open, neither underestimating the magnitude of our challenges nor overestimating our past accomplishments.

Global Food Insecurity

I returned from the 2nd International Global Food Security Conference last week as convinced as ever that we are facing a catastrophic human population crash this century. The plenary speakers were the titans in the field – M.S. Swaminathan, Pedro Sanchez, Rosamond Naylor, Shenggen Fan, Prabhu Pingali – and they projected, for the most part, a general sense of both informed urgency and kindhearted optimism. Through genetic engineering and other technological innovations, the magic of the free market, and prudent governmental policies, humanity will remain resilient in the face of great challenges: that was the overall message.

However, the scientists who presented their research were not so sanguine about humanity’s future prospects. China has been importing more food every year, and there is nothing on the horizon to suggest it will become less needy or more self-sufficient. South Asia and most of Africa will also need to import significantly more food in the coming decades. However, with fewer net exporters in the world – there are only seven – the competition for scarce food commodities will become fierce. In that environment, food prices will rise, and countries like Bangladesh and Egypt will not be able to compete with wealthy countries like China and Japan. The poor, population-dense countries—mostly in Africa, South Asia, and the Middle East – are facing a very dark future: that was the implicit message in the carefully worded, dispassionate language of statistics and mathematical equations.

In personal conversations, the scientists were even gloomier. What was implicit in the mathematics was voiced explicitly at dinner and at the bar. A naturally optimistic, compassionate, and committed lot, the many scientists, economists, and specialists with whom I spoke in these three intensive conference days could muster little evidence to support a rosy future. The forces of expanding population, climate change, massive soil degradation, and inequality continue to strip forests, acidify oceans, and leave billions malnourished.

It’s not materially depressing for everyone, of course. The wealthy billion on the planet have little to fear (besides their usual fare of obesity, overworking, psycho-spiritual strain, etc). In terms of food security, the outlook for the temperate zone, wealthy “Northern” nations are good enough. The United States, Canada, Europe, Brazil, and Russia produce plenty of food, and along with Japan and China can buy what they lack. One particularly bright spot was João Leite’s assessment of Brazilian agriculture. More food is being grown, more cattle pastured, and more ethanol produced on less land, while Amazonian deforestation is decreasing. Rainforest deforestation in the Amazon was only a little over a million hectares, officially. That’s about the size of the state of Connecticut, or about an acre every ten seconds. Hey, but that’s good news.

Sadly, what humanity gives with one hand it takes with another. So, Eric Lambin from Stanford University alerted the audience to a new deforestation ”hot spot” in the Gran Chaco, a sparsely-populated region, most of which is in Paraguay. While NGOs are carefully monitoring deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon, the lack of regulations and scrutiny in Paraguay make this last agricultural frontier a magnet to entrepreneurs.

This year, the conference was hosted by Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, a choice that served as an unavoidable and unconscious analogue of the global dilemma. Cornell University is home to some of the greatest minds in the world and some of the most expensive, state-of-the-art facilities. Cornell’s students and faculty, much like the attendees at the conference, are some of the most aware, well-intentioned, and cosmopolitan citizens on the planet.  Proportionately, there are probably as many vegetarians, locavores, mixed marriages, polyamorous relationships, recyclers, and bicycle riders as anywhere in the world.  And, as a group, these winners of the world probably fly more miles, eat more expensive food, and spend more money (albeit, much of it for research) than most people on the planet, as well.  

The Pope Scooped Me

I’ve been working on this one book for eleven years, a book that attempts to wed the various dominant worldviews into a biospheric and sustainable paradigm. And just as I finished it and picked up my head to scan the world around me after more than a decade of intensive focus on the environment, consciousness, and civilization, I find that I’ve been scooped. Not by the innumerable scientists, economists, and other analysts and pundits who have raised similar concerns, no not by them. Although we share common themes and worldviews, none of them, no matter how brilliant, perceptive, and compassionate, have offered a vision that greatly overlaps mine. Except, as it turns out, for Pope Francis.  Yes, he’s come closest in his 2015 encyclical Laudato Si’ “On Care for Our Common Home.”


Pope Francis has articulated a worldview that is far from the geocentric dogmatism of the 16th century. His is a call for the integration of diverse perspectives, where, for example, “science and religion, with their distinctive approaches to understanding reality, can enter into an intense dialogue fruitful for both.” He maintains that, “The gravity of the ecological crisis demands that we all look to the common good , embarking on a path of dialogue which requires patience, self-discipline and generosity…”


In some most fundamental and profound ways, the pope’s message is permeated by an enlightened and integral worldview that has not been as elegantly annunciated by a Roman Catholic since perhaps Thomas Berry. And we dearly need the Roman Catholics. They make up some 1.2 billion of our human family, and they inhabit both the richest and poorest strata of society.  We need all the world’s religions to step up and be similarly perceptive about the human relationship between humans and the environment.  We “need an ecological conversion,” as Pope Francis phrased it, “… so as to hear both the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor… to create an integral ecology.”


He correctly criticized the absurd inequality of Civilization’s wealth and power, of the First World’s “obsession with a consumerist lifestyle,” and its faith in global economics and technology to solve the world’s problems. We have need for material comfort, of course, and for functional economic systems and for wise application of technology. And, of course, these are not what we have. We don’t have them in great part because the gods of science and materialism have brought us far more comfort and excitement than did the gods of the world’s transcendent religious. They also brought us greater alienation from the rest of nature, and even greater overpopulation and overconsumption. In abandoning the dogmatism of religion, we have also abandoned our psycho-spiritual depths. The pope’s message is a call to unite this dualist split of mind and matter and to reimage Civilization.


However, Pope Francis is not the center to which the rest of the world must flock. He too will need to evolve. In his encyclical he is uncharacteristically brief and vague on the issue of overpopulation, preferring instead to critique overconsumption. The problems, however, are not of either/or. They are twinned problems that we must resolve. We are overpopulated and we over consume. Fertility rates are particularly high in poor countries, and consumption is absurdly high in rich countries.  The pope also finds, “human beings possessing a particular dignity above other creatures.” However, dignified and remarkable our species may be, anything that places us “above” continues the fatal separation between us and the rest of nature. Surely, these are not irresolvable shortcomings. Earnest dialogue with the world’s many perspectives and the exigencies of the ecologic crisis may well bring even the Catholic Church into an appreciation for the perils of large families and towards a paradigm that no longer views humans as demigods. We are animals, simultaneously gifted and burdened with reason and intuition, empathy and greed, awareness and ignorance, humility and arrogance. 

The Thinking of Reasonable Minds

All things, sentient and non-sentient, affect their environment. This new environment is the one to which all things must now adapt. When in general balance, the ecosystem provides the resources needed by organisms and cleans and re-integrates the wastes. One’s waste is another’s resource.he Thinking of Reasonable Minds

The United Nations Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (1, 2) published its findings in 2005 on the state of the world’s ecosystems. Ecosystem services include such things as water supply, waste treatment and detoxification, water purification, air purification, erosion regulation, etc. Nature provides these freely. Of the 24 services measured, 15 were found to be degraded or used unsustainably.

Included in its findings:

1. “Over the past 50 years, humans have changed ecosystems more rapidly and extensively than in any comparable period of time in human history. This has resulted in a substantial and largely irreversible loss in the diversity of life.”

2. “These changes… contributed to net gains in human well-being and economic development, but at growing costs… degradation of many ecosystem services… increased risks of nonlinear changes… exacerbation of poverty. These problems, unless addressed, will substantially diminish the benefits that future generations obtain from ecosystems.”

3. “The degradation of ecosystem services could grow significantly worse during the first half of this century…”

4. “… reversing the degradation… involve significant changes in policies, institutions, and practices that are not currently under way.”

Further notes from the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment:

Even with the devastation wrought by our species and despite the great gains in food production, still:

• 852 million people are undernourished

• 1.1 billion people lack access to improved [clean] water supply

• more than 2.6 billion lack access to improved sanitation.

• Water scarcity affects 1 – 2 billion people

• 1.7 million people die annually from inadequate water, sanitation and hygiene

Now, for the future:

• 2.5 billion more people are expected by 2050 (United Nations)

• 9 billion people are projected to continually inhabit the earth for two-hundred-fifty years following (United Nations, World Population in 2300)

• World economy is expected to increase 10-fold by 2100. (IPCC)

Conclusion: Already, with a population of 6.6 billion people the earth can neither provide the resources we require of it nor clean our wastes in a sustainable manner. Yet, more people are expected to use far more resources for at least the next three hundred years. Key limiting resources such as ground water, land and fossil fuels are already strained, and yet somehow, miraculously, this experiment – call it, The Civilization Project – is supposed to chug along uninterrupted. With even fewer resources and a more degraded global ecosystem, the “developing countries” such as China, India and Indonesia are to ostensibly achieve the levels of comfort, luxury and high employment that First World Countries (1, 2) presently enjoy. Environmental unsustainability leads to economic sustainability: this is the thinking of most highly-educated and reasonable minds.

Common Ground

We find ourselves in an unprecedented quandary. As members of a wealthy country in a global economy, our impact upon the earth is likely to be considerable, yet as individuals we are significantly limited in knowing with any certainty what exactly that impact is. Conflicting opinions and a relative dearth of information on the subject (relative, that is, to the gravity of our situation and relative to the information on myriad other, less important topics) have left most of our fellow citizens in an inert state of ignorance. And so we proceed with our lives and participate in our consumer society much like sleep walkers, unaware of the precipice we are fast approaching. We live in a dream state, in a fairy tale land. As Americans, most of us live well enough to leave well enough alone. And on some level this might be a defensible attitude, if it weren't predicated on such a distortion of the facts. Our dream could soon turn into the nightmare that much of the world is already living. As we shall see in the following posts, the data suggest that we are facing a bleak future and that the world for which we are educating and otherwise preparing our children is unlikely to exist for them.

So, how do we wake up? How do we find the pertinent facts and how can we make sense of them? The answer is actually quite simple. We must rely on the reports of those who have observed and experienced what we have not. Without giving it much thought, we do this as a matter of course. I have never been to Greenland, yet I accept its existence. It is logically placed on the maps and globes of the earth; I have seen photographs of it and have read accounts of it; I have met people who report having been there. Similarly, I have come to accept many things into my world view that I have never personally observed, including nuclear weapons, asteroids and viruses.

We place ourselves in a situation similar to the common sense point of view described by the philosopher Bertrand Russell. He found that there was little in the world that was truly provable. However, there is a consensus of common sense opinion agreeing to the existence of most things that we take for granted—such as that you exist, as do the people around you, the trees, buildings, etc, and that these things don't disappear when you are not there. So, if you are not in the forest, the tree does fall, sending out compression waves through the air. Any sentient being in the area with the proper mechanical and neural equipment will interpret those waves as sound. If the squirrel could talk, it could tell you about the falling tree. We therefore agree, implicitly at least, that to know much of anything about the world outside of our immediate experience we must turn to outside sources (squirrels included). The most informed sources will be those whom we call the authorities in their field—those who actually did the observing, measuring contemplating, and calculating.

Because of lack of time and expertise, we can't double-check the data gathered by the various authorities. However, we can assemble the facts upon which most all experts studying the various related topics agree. It's a variant of Bertrand Russell's common sense hypothesis. All the various systems of belief—the environmentalists, economists, Marxists, Christians, Moslems, etc.—make use of much of the same data. The world population, the gross domestic product of nations, the number of starving people, the number of obese people, the amount of land farmed, all these and more are items that by consensus we can agree as fact. What often differs is what they do with the data—the statistics they employ and the interpretations they make.